Журнал "Лучшие интерьеры"
Владелец квартиры предприимчивый молодой человек приобрел апартаменты для своей семьи в одной из новостроек Харькова.
И пригласил Дмитрия Фоменко, Алену Кудинову для их обустройства и создания своего узнаваемого стиля.
Выбранная парой элегантная английская классика с моментами ар-деко удовлетворила их вкусы.
Mary Magdalene
Design Director
"People say that our company is associated with beauty and quality. Julia takes care of everything. She spent five years in London learning visual communication and design. She uses her knowledge to make the world a little more beautiful."
Mary Magdalene
Design Director
"People say that our company is associated with beauty and quality. Julia takes care of everything. She spent five years in London learning visual communication and design. She uses her knowledge to make the world a little more beautiful."
Many books have been written about Silicon Valley and the collection of geniuses, eccentrics, and mavericks who launched the "Digital Revolution"; Robert X. Cringely's Accidental Empires and Michael A. Hiltzik's Dealers of Lightning are just two excellent accounts of the unprecedented explosion of tech entrepreneurs and their game-changing success.

But Walter Isaacson goes them one better: The Innovators, his follow-up to the massive (in both sales and size) Steve Jobs, is probably the widest-ranging and most comprehensive narrative of them all. Don't let the scope or page-count deter you: while Isaacson builds the story from the 19th century--innovator by innovator, just as the players themselves stood atop the achievements of their predecessors--his discipline and era-based structure allows readers to dip in and out of digital history, from Charles Babbage's Difference Engine, to Alan Turing.

The Innovators:
How a Group of Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
The diffuse aurora is a featureless glow in the sky that may not be visible to the naked eye, even on a dark night. It defines the extent of the auroral zone. The discrete auroras are sharply defined features within the diffuse aurora that vary in brightness from just barely visible to the naked eye, to bright enough to read a newspaper by at night.
The lake is not always pink in color but the distinctive color of the water changes as a result of green alga Dunaliella salina, halobacterium Halobacteria cutirubrum, and/or high concentration of brine prawn
The diffuse aurora is a featureless glow in the sky that may not be visible to the naked eye, even on a dark night. It defines the extent of the auroral zone. The discrete auroras are sharply defined features within the diffuse aurora that vary in brightness from just barely visible to the naked eye, to bright enough to read a newspaper by at night.